Team DKS Professional Karate Team Mission

Results for Juan Manuel Gualito
November 22, 2017
Results for German Jaraba
March 14, 2018

Team DKS Professional Karate Team Mission


All of our team members will display solid karate fundamentals. We will strive to be competitive at all levels and reach our full potential both on and off the mats. We will possess self-control, self-confidence, pride and display teamwork in practice and in competition. We will work to prepare our athletes for success in college and in life (whether they continue with karate or not).


COMMITMENT to being the best martial arts practitioner, student, team mate and human being you can be. Work hard on the mats; be coachable, disciple, and a person of high character.

ADVERSITY is a part of this journey and how you handle it is crucial. We need to be steadfast in how we handle winning as well as losing. Karate competition season is long and tedious, so maintaining our composure, believing in our mission, and continuing to strive for excellence and understanding that this is a marathon not a sprint. We do not want to be a team of emotional peaks and valleys; we expect to win every tournament, but we will learn from our losses and work to improve our areas of weakness.

RESPECT your parents, faith and family. Respect your teachers, coaches, team mates and dojo/class mates. Respect yourself and your future enough not to sell yourself and your potential short.

ELIMINATE NEGATIVE INFLUENCES as much as possible. This is going to happen and we want you as team members to know how to handle it when it occurs. Team members will have people who will become a negative influence on them during the season (inadvertently or intentionally) such as other teams and coaches, parents, siblings, friends, significant others, etc. Those people will come to the team member with self-interest at heart. The team member must constantly fight these negative influences (i.e. “Why don’t you join my team?” or “You deserve a better team”). The coaching staff cannot prevent this from happening; but we will educate team members as to the destructive nature that this can have on the team. Remember one of our important motto’s is “WE OVER ME”. The first letter in the word WE is “W” and that letter points upwards (which is where we will go as a team)while the first letter in ME is “M” which points down and is where it will

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