First of all, I will like to congratulate Joseph Greenhalgh for a great Tournament this weekend as it was the 2018 New England Open World Martial Arts Championship and thank you so much for everything.
I am very proud of all of my Team DKS members that competed this weekend and for such an amazing representation at the 2018 New England Open tournament:
Jaiden Taub, Santiago Aversso, Alexi Jiménez, Abriann Tolentino, Ulises Ramos and Rashad Eugene for amazing performances shown and bringing home a grand total of 4 first places, 4 second places and 6 third places.
1 Junior 17 and under Black Belt Boys Open Weight champion, 1 junior 13 and under Black Belt forms runoff and 1 adult men Black Belt Forms runoff.
Now time to go back to the lab and get to work… A special thanks to our Sponsor Fighters inc , TopTen Martial Arts , EATON , 10th degree weaponry and The Díaz’s Family for all of their support, great uniforms & amazing gear in which we are proud to sport.
Stay tuned & see you guys at our next stop in The 2018 Battle of Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia June 14-16. God bless you all and safe travels going back home because we are not just a team we are a FAMILY!!!
#teamdks #fightersinc #topten_martial_arts #EATON #grindhardperformbetter #getinthering #dksexperience #10thdegreeweaponry #NEO2018 #imdks Team DKS Fighters-Inc TopTen4MMA 10th Degree Weaponry