Panamerican Internationals 2018

8th New England Wushu Kung Fu Championships
November 8, 2018
2018 WAKO Europeans in Slovenia
November 20, 2018

Panamerican Internationals 2018

First of all, as a Team Owner & Head Coach, I will like to congratulate my instructor Mr. Manny Reyes Sr. and his family for a great tournament and experience this weekend as it was the 2018 Pan American Internationals, and thank you so much for everything, you can count on our support next year. I am very proud of all of my Team DKS members that competed this weekend and for such an amazing representation Jaiden Taub, Alexi Jimenez, Luis Nuñez, Larry Gonzalez, Edgar Germany, Ulises Ramos, Rashad Eugene, Steven Lennon Jr., Santiago Aversso, Donis Coronel, Sofia Gonzalez and Francisco Rodriguez for amazing performances shown and bringing home a grand total of 4 runner-ups for grands champion overall at the night show, 7 first places, 5 second places and 6 third places against all odds and adversities that says a lot, everyone sacrifices, hours traveling, and a lot hours of training really paid off all the end. Now is time to go to the lab and get to work, because we don’t take a loss as a loss but as a learned experience to fix our mistakes and get better. Michi Rosado, Freddie Rosado, Angel Rufio Rosado, & Aliya Rosado, thank you so much for coming down to support our team & family, that really means a lot! A special thanks to our Sponsor Fighters-Inc., TOP TEN, 10th Degree Weaponry, Kia-Kidz Martial Arts Center and EATON for all of their support, sponsorship, great uniforms & amazing gear in which we are proud to sport and represent at any given time. I hope that all my DKS families and members got back home safe. Last but not least, I will like to thank everyone that supports me and always helps me to strive for the best and to better myself in many ways and be the coach I am. Thank you for staying tuned & see you guys next time on the mat.
God bless you all!!!
Until next time, coach out…

#teamdks #fightersinc #topten_martial_arts #weareDKS #iamdks #grindhardperformbetter #getinthering #dksexperience #10thdegreeweaponry #dkslife #dksexperience #EATON





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